Thursday 4 March 2010

Companies I'm going to visit in London

Today we had a short briefing of the different companies we are going to look at in London and how to get to them (there is going to be a lot of traveling to the companies). We will be going to four companies these are;
We will be arriving at the Hotel Bayswater, on Monday 8th March at around 1pm and then we will have to wait around for a couple of hours untill the rooms are all sorted out. The rest of the evening is for us to do what ever we please weather thats going to look at where the companies are or going to see some galleries which will go towards our personal development files.

Tuesday 9th March-11am

We will be going to the company Illuminated Film company. From looking at their website i found out that they produced an animated series based on the Eric Carle books 'THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR'. They also produced the movie 'CHRISTMAS CAROL' and a half hour animation called 'WAR GAME'. They are currently working on 'Buddy & Elvis' an animation of a cat and a dog for a television series. Looking at the company so far they seem interesting and they have won a lot of awards for their animations so i hope when we visit this company that will explain more about what they do and what media they use but they seem more traditional hand drawn animation.
In the afternoon we will be visiting the company Blue Zoo Productions Ltd. I have actually seen this company previously in the first year when we had the London trip. i have to say from looking at their website they seemed to have grown a lot over the past 2 years since i last visited. Their website seems more up to date that the illuminated films company.

Wednesday 10th March-11am

The first company of the day we will be going to is 3 Mills Studio. This studio looks amazing, the location its in is just beautiful i wasnt expecting it to look like this. 3 mills has massive studios and sets were features like Fanatsic Mr Fox or Tv commercials for tesco are produced. Hopefully when we visit there will be a big production going on that we could have a sneek peek at, well hears hoping.

The last company we will be visiting is Collingwood O'Hare Entertainment Ltd. They are an award winning animation company that to children's television series such as 'Dennis and Gnasher' and 'Yoko! Jakamoko! Toto!' They have also won a BAFTA award for the animated series 'The secret show'. i hope the companies i go to see will help me to decide what i want to do when i finish university and what type of animation to get into either hand drawn or computer games animation.

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