Thursday 4 March 2010

Current Project

Im currently working on my final year animation Bob and Oscar a public awarness film about leaving animals in a car on a hot day. I first came up with Bob who is based on my Dad, a young chap who lives by himself and has the company of his dog Oscar. I came up with the idea of Bob & Oscar during the 2nd year were i did a short animation to show the relationship of the two characters together. Oscar is left at home while Bob has been out to work, Oscar looks sad because he is missing his owner. While hes sleeping in his bed Bob returns home and Oscar is happy to see him again.

Ive had alot of fun with these two characters. They are simple and are easy to animate. Im currently working on the software Flash but would like to experiment with Maya but i will have to try and get a copy of the program. Ive tried using Maya previously and found it complicated. All i need to do is research and experiment using it. Im in the process of animating Bob & Oscar and experimenting with background designs which ive left abit late it should have been done at the beggining but i want the animation to look nice since its my final animation so i want everything to look perfect.

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