Tuesday 18 May 2010

Bob and Oscar

Bob and Oscar is my final year animation about a middle aged man called Bob and his dog, Oscar. In the 2nd year I came up with a simple story about a man and his dog from being influenced by 'Simons Cat' and of course ‘Family guy’. At the time I was writing my dissertation on the average family and I did a lot of research on Family guy. I liked the idea of it being simple and easy to animate, as I didn’t want anything really complicated.

My 2nd year animation of Bob and Oscar wasn’t what I wanted it to be like. It was the first time ever that I had used Flash so the animating aspect was disappointing but the story was easily read and you can see the close relationship between Bob and Oscar which is what I wanted to achieve.

I decided to then continue with the idea of Bob and Oscar into my 3rd year and still using Flash to animate. The story is a campaigne against dogs been left in cars on a hot sunny day while their owners go off to shop or to do whatever while the dogs are left roasting in the cars. Since I have dogs of my own and I am an animal lover and see a lot of dogs left in their cars I thought it would be a prefect story for me to do. I researched into what happens if dogs are left in cars, they can get heatstroke or even die and the owners could be prosecuted or even sent to jail for animal cruelty. One thing I saw in the newspaper was that a police officer had left his two dogs in the back of his car, forgetting about them for hours in the sun they ended up getting heatstroke and tradgedly died. I have a copy of the article so I shall try and post it on my blog.

I hope that my animation will make people more aware that it’s very serious and cruel to leave dogs in the cars. It would feel like you’re in a greenhouse the temperatures can increase massively within seconds. Even if it’s not a sunny day out it can still get hot in cars. So I shall put up some drawings of my characters and some shots of my animation so far.

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