Wednesday 26 May 2010

Final Animation 'HOTDOG'

Well here it is my final year animation Bob and Oscars 'HOTDOG'. All done in Flash CS3, taken altogether round about 2 months to complete it. Overall I am happy with the story and ending and the sound isnt too bad but I could have edited it better with the animation as some of the sad music goes into the happy music, its barely noticable but since its my animation I can notice it. Improvements I would make would be to move the characters around more like Oscar moves around in the car trying to escape. I then thought about well it would be realy hot in the car so he wouldnt be racing round in the car he would be too tierd because of the heat. thats why i just ended up with some simple screen shots of him staying in one spot, panting and trying to cool down. The music was the hardest out of the animation, animating was the easiest and the fun part. It was hard trying to get the timing exact which is why some of the music isnt sinked to how I would have liked it to have been, but i feel that I have tried my hardest to sink it as well as I can. I hope that everyone will like and enjoy it and especially be aware this summer or when its hot out, to be aware about your pets been left in the car while you go shopping or do whatever. This is my main goal i hope I would have achieved. since having too dogs of my own I am well aware of what would happen if I left my dog/dogs in the car.

If i could go back and do this project again which i could still do in the future. I would consider hand drawing the backgrounds and use water colours. Some examples of water coloured backgrounds are in my sketchbook but I will try to upload some if I have time. The characters Bob and Oscar I dont think are too bad but I would like to have drawn them better in Flash. i think overall I no I could have done better with the animation, but since Im not a proffessional in flash id say it isnt bad for my 2nd major animation.

Why did I choose to continue Bob and Oscar into my 3rd year? Well at the time I had all the characters done and a relationship between them so I thought it would be a great idea to carry it on. I had different ideas on what story to do such as, 'A day in the park'. It would have been a troublesome day for poor Bob. Oscar was going to run wild in the park and chasing birds. Another one was 'Abandoned', somthing like a dog takes a lot to look after they need alot of attention or a dog isnt for christmas, that type of story. I am glad that I ended up doing a public awarness about dogs being trapped in cars.

The title 'HOTDOG' came from my tutor Marisse. All I had to begin with was 'shopping trip' because I couldnt decide what to call my film. Im grateful she came up with that because it was a great ending too 'HOTDOG. Only takes minutes to cook.' When I thought of this I was actualy researching on the internet on animal, specificly dog campaigns. One that cought my eye was a picture of a dog inside an oven done by '' campaign about dogs left in hot cars. I thought its realy effective and how can minebe as effective which is how I came up with my ending.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say thanks for this blog, i came here via the brown cat animation, (cute!) i am trying to animate some legs myself and its a great reference point to see the breakdown of the motion, you do great work!
