Thursday 20 May 2010

Bob & Oscar Preview

This is my final year animation im currently working on 'Bob & Oscar'. Its just a sneek preview of what ive done so far. It still needs alot of work doing to it and I need to animate some scenes but will hoepfully all be done in time and it also desperatly neesd sound. Im just comparing it to my animation I did in my secound year and I think ive improved alot since. So far the animation has taken altogether about a monthwhich includes drawing the backgrounds and deciding what sound to put on it. Its taken me abit longer as im nt used to using Flash but over the past few weeks ive been getting quicker and getting to know what all the tools etc do. Ive been keeping alittle notbook to jot down information to remind me how to do a certain thing in Flash and ive found that this helps alot incase i forget how to do somthing. So far the animation is going really well but I need to work much faster since the deadline is next week, well I have to take some screenshots of the animation for the tutors to print off so they can mount them onto boards for the final year show so it has to be completed hopefully by monday so I can get this sorted. My assesment isnt untill thursday at 9:30am but everything has to be completed preferably bu wednesday.

Improvements so far I would make is to do the backgrounds in watercolour if i had enough time i would prefer to do that, though the backgrounds arnt too bad they just seem very simple and I want the to have abit more detail to them not so much that they take your eye off the characters. Other improvements I would make is the characters themselves, as you can see they are very simple, plain and flat designs. The only reason I drew them like this is because it was easier and quicker to animate them. If I had more time with this animation I would take more time animating them though they have taken some time to animate at the moment I would like to try and hand draw each frame so it looks more like traditional animation. At the moment theyjust apear robotic to me and id prefer them to look more smooth maybe they need more frames inbetween to smooth them out more.

The next stages in the animation is where Bob goes to the checkout and takes his time there while Oscar is getting heatstroke in the car, a few close ups of the sun showing how hot its getting, Bob then coming out of the shop with his trolly pull and he looks for his keys in his pockets but struggles to find them. He opens the Car door and finds Oscar passed out from heatstroke. Then showing what to do in this situation if your dog has heatsroke, trying to kool him down slowly with some ice. Then Im thinking about putting a phrase at the end warning people about leaving thr dogs in the car on a hot day while Bob and Oscar are driving home or out it in while Bob is trying to kool down Oscar kinda leave it on a continue. Did Oscar survive the heat? has he turned into a hotdog?.

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