Tuesday 18 May 2010

Drawing of Bob and Oscar together. This was the first drawing i did of them so its not brilliant and since i drew this oscar has changed in colour aas you can tell from the storyboard he doesnt have any spots because they would have been a pain to animate so i left him a plain light browny colour, Bob hasnt changed well except his head is probably slightly bigger but apart from that his clothes have stayed the same colour. I have enjoyed animating these together. I based the character Bob from my Dad and the dog from my dog even though they are nothing alike in breed they are in personality with his loyalty to Bob. I cant tell you what breed Oscar is at the beginning Oscar was actually a cat, a fat lazy cat. Then i decided to make him into a dog so he still is round and fat with longish ears. I made him like this as it was easier to animate him withought all the hastle with drawing complicated fur. I have two dogs one a terrior and the other a westie. I did some observational drawings of them but still went back to the simplicity of my original cat design, abit lazy of me really as i wanted to show different styles.

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