Tuesday 18 May 2010


This is just a quick small scale model of Bob and Oscar made from wire and air dry modeling clay. It isnt finished yet I have to go over it and smoothe the clay out and finish detailing it but i just wanted to try and capture the relationship between them and see what they look like using a different media. I just wanted to experiment using different techniques. I have recently downloaded a trial of Maya and Im going to experiment modeling Oscar in it to see what they would look like in 3D.i I am also experimenting with Toonboom. So this quick model is so i can draw the characters easier as I can see all around the model.
This model to the left was the first model I did of Oscar when he had spots and was really fat. I used the same materials as the other model and then i painted him using acrylics and then varnished him over. he looks a bit too shinny though. I made these models as I was debating weather to animate them using stop motion, hand drawn or just use Flash. I am happy that i chose Flash as its easy to use and quick to animate. If i did it in stop motion i would have had to build all the sets and characters. though stop motion does interest me because i enjoy the modeling stages, I want to learn more about computer generated animation like Maya. I did learn abit of Maya in the 2nd year but i needed more time learning it, which is why I decided to just use flash as I found that easier to learn.

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