Thursday 20 May 2010

Photoshop Car

This is a quick design of the car in my film, I did this awhile ago and its done in photoshop. I dont no why I chose red but the colour now of the car in my animation is a duller colour so it wont take the attention away from the characters which is what happened. The car is just simple and the seats the back have changed, the front seat is no one long seat going across from the drivers side to the passengers side. I just thought id put up a few examples of images ive done which where ideas that didnt work well in the animation. I drew the final car in Flash and coloured it as it was easier to do it this way at the time but I would have prefered hand drawing it then use watercolour and then scanning it in and ptting it into Flash, but unfortunatly this process would have taken longer to do and with the time I had it wouldnt have been finished.

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